Monday, March 10, 2008

Wisconsin Engineer Photo Contest!!

Vote for me!!
I submitted five photos in the following categories: Landscape, People, Black and White, Computer Enhanced, and Random. I think I have a pretty good chance in the Landscape and Random categories, but there is some pretty good competition all around. If I win I get some sweet Wisconsin Engineer merchandise and a $100 gift card to somewhere, but most importantly I have to right to claim myself as one of the best photographers on campus!! To vote you have to register for an account on the forums, but it only takes about five minutes. Maybe if you vote and I win I'll give you an autographed print or something. :) Here are the photos I submitted:

Landscape - Sunrise Over the South China Sea
People - Thai Swimmers

Black and White - KL Nostalgia

Computer Enhanced - Samui Sky

Random - Ripple

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