Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Well it's been about six weeks since I arrived back in the states and sooooo much has happened between Kunming and my arrival home. My life is now back to the routine of school-work-study and unfortunately all traveling is finished for now. For how long, I can't say exactly, but you just wait... five or six years from now and I will be on my way to India, Nepal, and Tibet!

I've got most of my "Best of" photos uploaded to my smugmug so keep yourself busy browsing through those (the photos of Yunnan are AMAZING, I can assure you) until I get around to finishing up the Kunming > Dali > Shangri-La > Kawa Karpo > Lijiang > flight home. A LOT happened, trust me, so it will take me a while.

Best of Vietnam
Best of Yunnan
Best of the Epic Kawa Karpo Trek (seriously, look at this one--gorgeous!!)

1 comment:

DirtyPenguin said...

Hey, it was nice seeing you out on my birthday, thanks for coming out. And it's nice to have you back in the good old US of A