Friday, February 15, 2008

A True Wisconsin Girl

You can take the girl out of Wisconsin, but you can't take Wisconsin out of the girl. I really like some of the food here, although it's a bit difficult to find because it's usually hiding behind the chicken feet or the pig organ soup. There are some (well, several) home dishes that I love love love and regardless of whether or not the Western Food place in the canteens serves them I refuse to eat them because it's just not the same. And most of the "Western" food they make here is really gross. And after eating either rice or noodles for 95% of my meals, I have come to realize a greater appreciation for the signature foods of Wisconsin.

The first is obvious: Milk. The milk here is usually soy, sometimes evaporated, and every once in a while you can find decent stuff at the supermarkets that is imported from Australia. Still, it doesn't compare to that delicious gallon of Land-O-Lakes that I can down in a few days if I'm up for it. I miss drinking a cup of milk when I'm hungover and putting some in my cereal for breakfast. Man, I could really go for a bowl of Cheerios right now.

And, of course, cheese. There is no cheese here. And if there is it takes like crap. I can count on one hand the number of times I've eaten cheese here, and not once has it been on its own. I want to go to Woodman's and get a bag of Bucky Badger cheesecurds or pick up a brick of jalepeno cheese and slice it up and eat it with some Keebler's Club Crackers, or maybe Townhouse. They're both tasty. Oh, and sausage would be a tasty addition as well. And I want to mix it in with my scrambled eggs in the morning.

More specifically, Macaroni and Cheese!! YUMMMMMMM I will probably eat this for lunch every day for a week when I come home. Either that or a grilled cheese sandwich.

Also when I was living in Rhinelander I found these really really yummy Fig Newmans, like Fig Newtons but organic and SO MUCH BETTER. I had to go to Walmart (cringe) every second day to get a new box.

And I would be doing Wisconsin a terrible disservice if I didn't mention the beer. Now I throughly enjoy a cold mug of Tiger Beer, but in no way does it compare to Honeyweiss, straight from the Chippewa Valley of Good Old Wisconsin. Or Capital Amber. Or Spotted Cow!! Yum.

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