Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Best of Cambodia Photos

I've finished meticulously selecting and editing my very favorite photos from my trip to Cambodia, which can be seen on my smugmug. Our trip started in Phnom Penh, where we just explored the city (on foot, for the most part), including Wat Phnom, which gives the city its name, the Royal Palace, as Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia, as well as the Tuol Sleng Torture Museum and the Killing Fields of the Pol Pot Regime (I didn't take any photos there, however).

We also went to Siem Reap, where the main attraction are the Temples of Angkor. The most notable is Angkor Wat, and we hired a tuk-tuk driver to take us on the "small circuit," which in the map below is Route 66. You can see Ankor Wat is the first stop in the lower left-hand corner of the map, and you can also see the moat surrounding it. After that we stopped at Phnom Bakeng, to the left of the road, and Angkor Thom is the giant square complex in the upper left corner. That's where Bayon, Terrace of the Leper King, Terrace of the Elephants, and a few others are located. Keep going a bit more and you'll come to Ta Prohm, where parts of Tomb Raider were filmed.

Move the map around a bit to the south, zoom out a bit, and you can see the Tonle Sap, where the floating village is. I tried to find it on there but had no luck. Phnom Penh is located a few hundred kilometers to the southeast of Siem Reap. Just follow Route 6 until it meets up with Route 5.

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