Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Malaysian Bathrooms

This actually goes for all Muslim countries so travellers beware ... I didn't know this until we used the bathroom at Malaysian customs on our way to KL. Luckily I had come prepared without really knowing it.

Malaysian bathrooms don't use toilet paper. Rather than wiping they have a hose they use to wash themselves off right away. It's actually very hygenic, until you start thinking about where that hose has been. And although they wash themselves when finished, I don't believe they dry themselves.

And sometimes they will wipe with their left hands, which is why you will only see them eating with their right hand.

Also, most of them use squatters rather than toilets. They actually aren't bad to use at all and I could get used to them. Squatter = just a hole in the ground ... nothing to actually sit on. I don't usually sit on toilet seats anyways.

So it was a good thing I had a small pack of tissues on me. When we went to the bank in KL to get our money changed there was actually a roll of toilet paper -- one roll, located outside all of the stalls -- so I grabbed a whole bunch and put them in my backpack.

Point: if you travel to any Muslim country, be prepared.

Oh yea, and they don't use tampons either.

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